5800 15:12- Radio Conti/Kenzo, ID is given at 17:14, mx., good with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (via Twente SDR)
5835 15:04- UNID playing rock-n-roll, blues, strong signal with fades and noisem sinpo 55343-4 (via Twente SDR)
This blog is created for free radio enthusiasts and who loves short waves. It contains free radio logs, QSL cards, and some information from Lviv, Ukraine
5800 15:12- Radio Conti/Kenzo, ID is given at 17:14, mx., good with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (via Twente SDR)
5835 15:04- UNID playing rock-n-roll, blues, strong signal with fades and noisem sinpo 55343-4 (via Twente SDR)
4950 17:14-17:19c/d Radio Moonair International, OP talk in Dutch/English, ID, OP talk "music from 60s-70s, ....., antenna is working good", fair signal with fades and noise, good on the peaks, sinpo 3-45333
5800 18:00- Radio Akenzo playing dance mx., YL singer in German, 18:02 - Modern Talking, good with some fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4
6210 17:48- Radio King Shortwave playing ballade, folk-rock, fair with noise and noise, sinpo 35333
6280 17:52- Radio Batavia playing Pet Show Boys, good on the peaks with fades and noise, sinpo 45333
6219,6v 16:15- Black Panther playing different styles of music, 18:15 - ID is given in Dutch and English,16:23- c/d, audio is distorted, UTE, carrier is drifting, not good fq, fair to poor, sinpo 2-33232
6290 16:26 - Blackstone, playing pank, rock, OP talk in Dutch/Eng., fair with noise and fading, some UTE, sinpo 34232
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International (MRI) will be on the air this week-end as follows:
5800 20:11- Radio Contikenzo playing Polkas, fair with noise and fading, sinpo 35333