1659 18:38- UNID, Greek pirate, Greek folk music & song, YL singer, fair, sinpo 35333
1664 18:35- UNID, Serbian pirate (pres.), OP talk in Serbian (?), Balkanian folk mx., massive signal, good, sinpo 45444
5140 17:47- Radio Charleston Int'l, mx, fair, sinpo 34333
5800 17:23- Continental Radio (pres.), OP talk in Dutch, fair, sinpo 35333
5880 17:14- Radio Rock Revolution (pres.), mx, poor, sinpo 25222
6280 15:08- Mustang Radio, Queen, ID, OP talk in Dutch & E., Greets, excellent signal, sinpo 55444
6290 15:12- UNID, dance mx, good, sinpo 45343-4
6305 15:14- Radio Deltracks (pres.), Phil Collins, good to fair, sinpo 45333
6931v 16:41- Radio Indy (pres.), mx, weak, sinpo 24333
6940 15:24 - Radio Voyager, ID ann. & greeting: "Radio Voyager wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", fair to good, sinpo 3-45343-4