Monday 24 December 2012

HLR's Special Broadcasting

GERMANY. Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) will broadcast a series of special 
SW programs over the holiday season. The station will use the low-power 
transmitter in Goehren on 7265 and 6190 kHz.

Schedule for HLR Christmas and New Year specials:

Monday, December 24th 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "Switzerland in Sound" (English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 1; German)
0900 Jules Verne short stories (German)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 Karl May story (German)
1100 "HLR Radio Nostalgie"
1200 Science and technology (German)

Tuesday, December 25th 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "Happy Station Show" (PCJ Media, English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 2; German)
0900 Otto Stein short stories (German)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 Christmas story "Radio Tyrus - Besuch der Weisen" (German)
1100 "HLR Radio Nostalgie (German)
1200 Culture reports (German)

Wednesday, December 26th 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German, focusing on radio as a topic in 
popular culture)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 3; German)
0900 "HLR Hafenklang" (German, music from Hamburg)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 Christmas story "Radio Tyrus - Besuch der Weisen" (German)
1100 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disables people" 
(German, 2hrs)

1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
1330 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)
1400 "Media Network" (PCJ Media, English)
1430 "EarthSky" (English)
1500 Special "The history of pirate radio" (English)
1600 "World in progress / Spectrum" (DW Radio specials, English)

Saturday, December 29th 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

Monday, December 31st 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

Tuesday, January 1st 2013

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

Program line-up to be announced.

Hamburger Lokalradio welcomes reception reports and will QSL all correct 
reports. Return postage is highly appreciated. Address: Hamburger 
Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8, 21031 
Hamburg, Germany; E-mail:

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