Sunday, 16 October 2011


6045 0901- XVRB, IS, ID is given by male voice, E., opening rock-n-roll song, Mike Willson presenter, good signal with some fades and local noise, sinpo 45333

6095 0910-KBC, Emperor Rosko Show, playing rock-n-roll, ID, good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45333

6305 1817- Radio Tropiq (tent.) playing rock-n-roll, good signal with some audio problem, fades and noise, 45333

6385 1836- Radio Boomerang (tent.) playing different kinds of music, OP talk in Dutch and E., good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444

6420 1735- Black Bandit Radio playing Scorpions, good signal with some fades and atmospheric noise, sinpo 45434

6565 1800- Powerliner playing song, OP talk at 1802, fair signal with deep fades and atmospheric noise, sinpo 35222

9480 0802- Radio Atlantic 2000, OM talk in F, and song is playing, YL singer, Jimmi Summerville's song "Run away..." is playing at 0815, good signal, but there are some troubles with local noise, fades, sinpo 45233

9480 1208- European Music Radio playing Boney M, ID jingles, OM talk and had annonced address in Germany, good signal, but qiute noisy and fades, sinpo 45333

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