5785 1405- Free Radio Victoria playing song, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333 (heard via Twente SDR)
6060 1945- Radio Nord Revival via Sala playing music, OM talk in Swedish, fair signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 34333
6200 1354- Groentboertje playing instrumental music, exellent signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 54444 (heard via Twente SDR)
6205 1818- Coast FM playing music, OM singer in E., fair signal with splashes from 6195 (BBC), fades and noise, sinpo 33333 (heard via Twente SDR)
6215 1816- Radio Laser Hot Hits playing dance music, fair signal under ute qrm, noise and fades, sinpo 32322-3 (heard via Twente SDR)
6255 1932u - Radio Python playing instrumental music, then OP talk in E.: "...bye bye...", good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (heard via Twente SDR)
6262 1806- Quadzilla Radio, ID jingles in E: "This is Quadzilla Radio...You are listening to pirate station...", good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)
6265 2019- Radio 42 playing instrumental music, ID is given and e-mail is ann. in English and Dutch, fair to good signal on the peaks with fades and noise, sinpo 3-45343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)
6285 1352- Zender Akenzo, OP talk in Dutch, then music is playing, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45344 (heard via Twente SDR)
6285 1804- Radio Joey playing Dutch song, OM and YL singers, fair signal with noise and fading, sinpo 34232
6285 1856- Radio Mustang playing ABBA, good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4
6285 1956- Radio Desperado playing ABBA, OP talk in E.: "...Radio Desperado...", fair signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 34322-3
6305 1350- Radio Python playing Judas Priest "Breaking the Law", OP talk in E., good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (heard via Twente SDR)
6307 1808- Bad Boys Radio playing dance easy music, YL singer in E., ID is given: "This is Bad Boys Radio...", good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)
6310 1936- Zwarte Panter playing Dutch songs, good signal with some ute qrm, noise and fades, sinpo 45444 (heard via Twente SDR)
6319 1937- Radio Goofy, ID jingles, then song is playing, OM singer in E., good signal with ham ute, some fades and noise, sinpo 44343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)
6320 1901- Radio Blueman playing music, fair to poor signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 34232
6320 1925- Radio Panda playing Oldy, OM singer in E., fair to good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45343 (heard via Twente SDR)
6375 1940- Radio Goofy playing song, YL singer in E., fair signal with some noise and fades, sinpo 4-34444 (heard via Twente SDR)
6400 1944- Blauwe Panter playing rock, OM singer in E., exellent signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 55444 (heard via Twente SDR)