Monday, 30 October 2017

Marconi Radio International test transmissions on 31 October 2017

Please be advised that  MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Tuesday, 31 October 2017, with the following test transmissions:  12.45-14.45 UTC on 11390 kHz AM,  from 1500 to 1700  and from 1730 to 1930 on 5760  kHz (USB mode). 

Reception reports to this E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at)

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are  a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. 

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's
Marconi Radio International (MRI) 


Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, martedì  31  Ottobre 2017,  con le seguenti trasmissioni di prova: dalle 12.45 alle 14.45 UTC su  11390 kHz AM, dalle 1500 alle 1700 e  dalle 1730 alle 1930 su 5760 kHz USB). 
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at)

Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.

Cordiali saluti

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Notification from New Station Tornpoint Radio Worldwide

I just found in my e-mail box informative message:

"Good Evening Friends,

We are a new shortwave station called Torpoint Radio Worldwide.

We will be broadcasting on 6070khz EU tonight at short notice at 1900 UTC to listeners all over EU & UK. This will be a 2 hour live show and we will be sending a QSL card to every listener!!! We will allow reports from utwente for all the QSL hunters out there who wish to get the card once and move on!!! 

Tonight 1900 UTC myself and Richard Barbella Cook will be on the air.

This is a regular every day live feed thanks to Rainer Ebling at C292 who has been most kind to us! 

We will be looking forward the live report that we get in! 

Best Regards and most importantly 73 from us at Torpoint Radio Worldwide and to you utwente listeners!!!! 

Phil & Richard "

IBC's B17

Dear listeners,
this is our new schedule starting to Europe from 29 October and to the Americas from 5 November 2017.
Any update on our website, reports to
If you need our paper QSL card, together with a sticker, please donate via Paypal or via our webpage.
Good listening!
WEDNESDAY  20-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
THURSDAY     03-03.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SATURDAY     21-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SUNDAY        11.30-12 UTC 6070 KHZ
TUESDAY    01-01.30 UTC 11580 KHZ
FRIDAY       02-02.30 UTC  9955 KHZ -
SATURDAY  01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
SUNDAY     00.30-01 UTC  7730 KHZ
EVERY DAY live streaming on (user: IBC password: 123456) at 14-14.30 UTC
**IBC DIGITAL in MFSK32 1500 Hz**
WEDNESDAY   20.25-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
THURSDAY      03.25-03.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SATURDAY      21.25-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SUNDAY         11.55-12.00 UTC 6070 KHZ
TUESDAY    01.25-01.30 UTC 11580 KHZ
FRIDAY       02.25-02.30 UTC  9955 KHZ -
SATURDAY  01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ
SUNDAY     00.55-01.00 UTC  7730 KHZ
THURSDAY    02-03 UTC 1584 KHZ
SATURDAY    13-14 UTC 6070 KHZ
EVERY DAY live streaming on (user: IBC password: 123456) at 13-14.00 UTC

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Radio Ohne Namen via 6070KHz change to winter time

Hello friends of shortwave radio!

For Radio Ohne Namen (radio without name) the winter seasons are now fixed.
It is broadcast as usual via Radio Channel 292 in the 49 meter band, 6070 KHz.

Every Friday a new episode “Here we go!” at 14 UTC / 15 CET.
On Sunday the repeat of Friday at 18 UTC / 19 CET.
Repeats older episodes on Monday at 15 UTC / 16 CET (before Radio DARC), and on Wednesday at 8 UTC / 9 CET.

The reception conditions were unfavorable for the nationals in October,
therefore be the four October transmission sequences will be repeated on Tuesday, 31 October from 11 UTC / 12 CET.
On Wednesday, 1th November four of selected episodes will be repeated from 8 UTC / 9 CET.

The radio schedule of Radio Channel 292:

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
Hallo Freunde des Kurzwellenrundfunks!

Für Radio Ohne Namen stehen jetzt die Wintersendezeiten fest.
Gesendet wird wie gewohnt über Radio Channel 292 im 49 Meter Band, 6070 KHz.

Jeden Freitag eine neue Folge „Jetzt geht’s los!“ um 14 UTC / 15 CET.
Sonntags die Wiederholung vom Freitag um 18 UTC / 19 CET.
Wiederholungen ältere Folgen, am Montag um 15 UTC / 16 CET (vor Radio DARC), und am Mittwoch 8 UTC / 9 CET.

Da die Empfangsbedingung im Oktober für die Inländer ungünstig waren,
werden die vier Oktober Sendungen am Dienstag, den 31.Oktober ab 11 UTC / 12 CET wiederholt.
Am Mittwoch, den 1. November werden ebenfalls vier Stunden ausgewählter Folgen ab 8 UTC / 9 CET wiederholt.

Der Sendeplan von Radio Channel 292:

Mit besten Grüßen

Friday, 27 October 2017

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Marconi Radio International back on the air on 22 October 2017

Please be advised that  after many weeks of absence, MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Sunday, 22 October 2017, as follows:  13.45-15.45 UTC on 7700 kHz (USB mode).

Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome. Our E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at)

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are  a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. 

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's
Marconi Radio International (MRI) 


Dopo diverse settimane di assenza  Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, domenica  22  Ottobre 2017, dalle  13.45 alle 15.45 UTC su  7700 kHz USB. 
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at)

Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.

Cordiali saluti

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Friday, 13 October 2017

EMR Relays + More

Scheduled Transmissions from Radio City are:
3rd Saturday at 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz with Repeats all other Saturdays
4th Saturday at 12.00 to 13.00 UTC on 7265 kHz via Hamburger Lokalradio
Contact address remains:

Saturday HLR:
06.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
10.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

European Music Radio Relays:
14th October 2017:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  on 6070 KHz  - to Western Europe via Ch 292
15th October 2017:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  on 9485 KHz  - to Western Europe via MVBR
19.00 to 20.00 UTC  on 6070 KHz  - to Western Europe via Ch 292

Internet Repeats on 15th October 2017:
EMR will have this months Transmissions via two streams running at the following Times:15.00, 17.00, 19.00 UTC will be on 96 kbps /44 KHz stereo for normal listening will be 24 kbps / 22 KHz mono will be especially for low bandwidth like mobile phones.

European Music Radio Relay :
21st October 2017:
21.30 to 22.00 UTC  on 7490 KHz -  to Central & North America via WBCQ

Sunday HLR:
09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail:  Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet :  Daily 24 h

The Mighty KBC:   Programme Schedule
Please Email:  Thank you!

Hobart Radio International:
Please Email:   Thank you!


Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:

Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:


For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at
You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: 

Good Listening!   73s,  Tom

European Music Radio:

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Dear friends, next weekend KCR will be on air from Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 with so many beautiful music from all over the world and a special collaboration with Artem's World Music from Russia with a beautiful program in Spanish on Cuba's music and an overview of the radios that you can hear On the island. We look forward to numerous with your E-Mail reports and more. Happy listening

Cari amici, il prossimo weekend saremo ancora in onda dal sabato 14 alla domenica15 con tanta bella musica da ogni parte del mondo e la speciale collaborazione con Artem's World Music dalla Russia con una bella trasmissione in lingua Spagnola sulla musica di Cuba e una panoramica interessante sulle Radio che si possono ascoltare sull' isola. Vi apettiamo numerosi con le vostre sempre gradite E-Mail e i vostri rapporti di ascolto.
Buon ascolto!
Jasmine ;)

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Free radio log of 8th October 2017

6970 14.54- Radio Orion 2000 playing Rolling Stones' song, ID in German by female recorded voice, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (heard via Twente SDR)

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Free radio log of 7th October 2017

6295 16.45- Radio 102 playing music, weak signal with fades and noise, sinpo 24322 (heard via Twente SDR)

6305 16.42- Radio Goofy, ID is given, then German song is playing, YL singer, sinpo 3-45343 (heard via Twente SDR)

6313u 16.18- Baltic Sea Radio playing Finnish music, ID, weak signal but audible with some noise, sinpo 24333

6325 16.48- UNID playing dance music, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444 (heard via Twente SDR)

6950 16.29- Enterprise Radio playing rock, fair to poor signal with fades and noise, sinpo 34232-3

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Atlantic 2000 on shortwave this weekend

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this weekend:

- Saturday 7th of October, from 0800 to 0900 UTC on 6070 kHz
- Sunday 8th of October, from 1900 to 2000 UTC on 6070 kHz
+ streaming at the same time on our website:

Only detailed reception reports will be confirmed by eQSL.
Reports to:

Good listening!


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Free radio log of 1st October 2017

6205  16.45- Laser Hot Hits, DJs' talks, music, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)

6210 16.32- Radio Merlin International playing rock n roll, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45343-4

6305 16.41- Radio Merlin International, OP talk in E., ID,  sinpo 45343 (heard via Twente SDR)