Saturday, 24 December 2022

Logs 24 December 2022

 1649 19:12- UNID, Dire Straits, fair, sinpo 35333

1659 18:38- UNID, Greek pirate, Greek folk music & song, YL singer, fair, sinpo 35333

1664 18:35- UNID, Serbian pirate (pres.), OP talk in Serbian (?), Balkanian folk mx., massive signal, good, sinpo 45444

5140 17:47- Radio Charleston Int'l, mx, fair, sinpo 34333

5800 17:23- Continental Radio (pres.), OP talk in Dutch, fair, sinpo 35333

5880 17:14- Radio Rock Revolution (pres.), mx, poor, sinpo 25222

6280 15:08- Mustang Radio, Queen, ID, OP talk in Dutch & E., Greets, excellent signal, sinpo 55444

6290 15:12- UNID, dance mx, good, sinpo 45343-4

6305 15:14- Radio Deltracks (pres.), Phil Collins, good to fair, sinpo 45333

6931v 16:41- Radio Indy (pres.), mx, weak, sinpo 24333

6940 15:24 - Radio Voyager, ID ann. & greeting: "Radio Voyager wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", fair to good, sinpo 3-45343-4

Logs 23 December 2022

5140  19:20- Radio Charleston Int'l, mx, fair, sinpo 34333

 5800 19:30- FRS Holland, ID jingles, adv., DX program, radio information, mentioned Radio Delta,

the excellent signal on the peaks with fading and some noise, sinpo 55434-3

6295 19:10- Radio Pioneer, Dutch song, good, sinpo 45444

Season's Greetings

From Jan-Mikael Nurmela 

From  Artur Fernández Llorella             

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Logs 17-18 December 2022

 17 December 2022

5140 15:34- Radio Charleston Int'l, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

6045 13:18- Radio Telstar via Nauen, Oldies, exellent signal, sinpo 55444

6295 14:53- UNID playing "Crying in the Rain", fair, sinpo 35333

18 December 2022

5800 14:39- Continental Radio, Dutch song, Polka, fair, sinpo 34333

6262v 14:20 - Time Radio, Oldies, ID jingles, E., good on the peaks, but fading, sinpo 45333

6287v 14:31- Radio Joey, dance mx., utility qrm 6285, 43333

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Logs 11 December 2022

 6205 14:42- Voice of the Netherlands playing Sting's song, good to fair signal, sinpo 34333

6280 15:18- Radio Fox 48 playing country, fair signal, sinpo 35333

6295 14:48- Radio Joey playing dance music, good to fair signal, sinpo 45343-4

6380 14:54- Radio Boomerang, ID, OP talk in Dutch, instrumental music, enormous signal (!), booming here, sinpo 55555, but the signal gradually faded, and at 15:08 sinpo 4-35333

Saturday, 10 December 2022

DXing Asian & African Radiostations, 10 December 2022

 5985 14:28- Myanmar Radio, Vern., nice local mx., fair, sinpo 35333

5995 18:39- Radio Mali, F., talk, fair, sinpo 35433

6110 18:27- Radio Fana, Vern., traditional mx., fair, sinpo 34344-3

6115 18:22-18:32c/d Radio Congo, F., OM talk, mx., mentioned "Congo....national...",

fair, sinpo 35434-3

Logs 10 December 2022

5150 15:27- Radio Charleston Int'l, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

 6205 15:43- UNID, dance mx., fair to poor signal, sinpo 34222 

6210 18:00 - UNID, mx, fair to poor signal, sinpo 34232-3

6275 14:11- UNID, Dire Straits "Money for Nothing", good signal, sinpo 45444

6293v 14:57- Mustang Radio, ID, mx., excellent signal, sinpo 55444

6285 18:06- Free Radio Victoria, ID., mx., Seal, excellent signal, sinpo 54444

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Logs 2nd of December 2022

 5915 14:02- Zambia NBC Radio 1, Vern., cw qrm, fair to poor signal, sinpo 32222

5970 13:48- Radio 208, mx., fair to poor signal, sinpo 35322

6150 14:05- Europa 24. mx., fair signal, sinpo 35333

9985 13:54- VoA, Korean/English, fair, sinpo 45333

15770 12:48- UNID via WRMI, ru, conversation OM & YL, fair, sinpo 35333

17600 12:56- RT Algerienne, Arabic, song, TS- 13:00, OM talk, Arabic, good signal, sinpo 45343-4