Monday, 25 December 2023

Free Radio Victoria's Seasonal Greetings


Thursday, 14 December 2023

FRS-Holland Seasonal Broadcast

 Dear FRS Friend,

A long tradition is going to be continued!
Next Sunday 
December 17th the spirit of December & Free Radio will be radiated
across Europe and the rest of the world.
Another FRS December broadcast filled with music, memories, letters and more.
Programmes will start at 08:52 UTC/ 09:52 CET sharp and close down is scheduled
just after 14 UTC/ 15 CET.
An extra long version of 'FRS goes DXmas' will be aired among all the other shows hosted
by our dedicated team: Mike, Bet, Jan, Dave & Peter.
Frequencies: 6185, 7700//9335 (or another frequency within the 9300-9345 kHz range).

We invite you to join us...make sure you don't miss it next will be worth while.

Log 14 December 2023

 6299v 16:23-16:32c/d UNID, mx is playing, ID jingles, but not good audible, fair to poor, sinpo 34232

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Log 15 July 2023

 6290 20:33- WMR, talk, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

6940 20:47- Enterprise Radio, mx., fair, good on the picks, 34333

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Logs March 4, 2023

5030 19:04- Sluwe Vos Radio, mx., ID jingle at 19:08, fair, sinpo 34333

5140 19:15- Charleston Radio Int'l, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

5790 19:18- Radio Continental (see comment), mx., fair, sinpo 35333

5880 19:23- Radio Rock Revolution, mx., poor, sinpo 24222

6290 19:27- Zeppelin Radio, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

6931 19:32- Indy Radio, mx., fair to poor, sinpo 3-24232-3

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Logs 5 February 2023

 6285 14:10- Radio Akenzo (pres.), mx., fair to poor, sinpo 34333

 6320 14:16- Radio Joey (pres.), mx., poor, ute qrm, sinpo 32222

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Logs 4 February 2023

 1635 19:07- UNID, Greek song,  poor, sinpo 25222

1689 19:12- UNID, talk in Serbian, poor, sinpo 25222

5140 18:12- Radio Charleston International, mx., fair, sinpo 35333

5820 18:07- UNID, Oldies, German songs, huge UTE QRM, poor, sinpo 32332

6275 16:35- Radio Akenzo, OP talk, ID., fair, sinpo 35333

6285 18:22- UNID, OP talk, E, rock, weak signal,UTE QRM,  sinpo 23322

6300 15:50- Radio Johnny Tobacco, OP talk, ID is given, good, sinpo 45343-4 

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Logs 22 January 2023

 5835 14:44- Radio Europe (Ukraine), mx., exellent, sinpo 55444

6300 14:40- Radio Johnny Tobacco, rock, good, sinpo 45343-4

6955 15:06- Radio Zeppelin (pres.), mx., fair to good, sinpo 34444

13865 12:08- Radio Piepzender, Dutch mx., fair, sinpo 35333

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Logs 20-21 January 2023

20 January 2023 

1685 17:18 - UNID, Folk Serbian mx., fair, sinpo 35333

5810 17:05- Radio Hitmix (see comment), OP talk in German, ID, mx., good, sinpo 45344

21 January 2023

5140 16:16- Radio Charleston International, mx, fair, sinpo 35333

5775 17:32- Radio Harmony, Oldies, good to fair, sinpo 45333

5940 16:51- Radio Piepzender, mx, address is announced "P.O. box....the Netherlands", good, sinpo 45434

6300 15:41- Voice of the Netherlands, Sting, Ultravox, good, sinpo 44444

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Logs 14 January 2023

1639v 17:36- UNID, Greek song, fair, sinpo 35333

1695 17:23- UNID, OP talk in Serbian, fair, sinpo 35333

5140 18:03- Radio Charleston International, ID, mx., fair-good, sinpo 45434-3

6295 17:11- Radio Deltracks (pres.), Cure, fair-good, sinpo 45333

Friday, 13 January 2023

Logs 13 January 2023

 5140 07:10 - Radio Charleston Int'l, mx., fair, sinpo 34333

6130 07:07- Radio Jong Europa, mx, fair but clear, sinpo 34444

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Logs 11 January 2023

 1670 18:37- UNID, folk Serbian mx., poor, sinpo 24222

1675 18:44- UNID, folk Serbian mx., poor, sinpo 24222

1695 18:32- UNID, folk Serbian mx., poor, sinpo 24222

5140 16:04- Radio Charleston Int'l., mx., fair, sinpo 44333

6289v 15:47-15:58c/d UNID, mx, OP greets Jurgen in Germany, ID: ".....Radio", 

OP says: "Bye, bye" and c/d, fair, quite noisy, sinpo 34333

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Logs 7 January 2023

 6260 15:18- UNID playing "Mrs. Robinson" Simon & Garfunkel, fair, sinpo 34333

6285 15:24- Radio Monique International, ID, OP talk in E., fair, sinpo 34333

6295 15:11- Mike Radio playing Queen, good, sinpo 45434-3

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Logs 29-30 December 2022

 29 December 2022

6290 14:48- Radio Joey playing dance mx., good to fair, sinpo 45333

6320 15:02- Radio Joey playing dance mx., good to fair, sinpo 45333, moved from 6290 kHz

30 December 2022

5880 19:53- Radio Rock Revolution, mx., weak, sinpo 24222

6955 19:28- Radio Zeppelin, jazz, good, sinpo 45344-3