6170 19:00 - Radio Delta, ID, good, sinpo 45444
6277v 19:12- Radio Batavia playing rock, fair with fades and crashes, sinpo 34333
6285 19:05- UNID playing rock, fair with fades and noise, sinpo 35333
This blog is created for free radio enthusiasts and who loves short waves. It contains free radio logs, QSL cards, and some information from Lviv, Ukraine
6170 19:00 - Radio Delta, ID, good, sinpo 45444
6277v 19:12- Radio Batavia playing rock, fair with fades and crashes, sinpo 34333
6285 19:05- UNID playing rock, fair with fades and noise, sinpo 35333
5880 19:27- Radio Rock Revolution playing mx., weak with fades, sinpo 25322
6205 20:37- Laser Hot Hits playing Boney M - Rasputin, good with some fades and crashes, sinpo 45333
6275 19:52- 20:00 c/d Moonair Radio International, OP talk, ID, instrumental mx., Email ann., fair signal with noise and fades, sinpo 34333
6130 19:40 Radio Europe (private), dance mx., fair, sinpo 35333
6160 20:10 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold, ID, OM talk, E., mail box px., reception reports, good with crashes and fades, sinpo 45333
6170 20:31 Radio Delta, ID, Spanish, good with crashes and fades, sinpo 45333
6275 19:47 Moonair (see comment), mx., fair to poor, crashes and fading, sinpo 35232-3
6285 20:50 Radio Batavia, mx, fair to good, sinpo 45333-4