5780 20:20 - Radio Mystery (back?) playing disco,dance mx., Italian, fair to good, sinpo 35343-4
5880 20:23- Radio Rock Revolution, mx., weak signal with noise and fadings, sinpo 24222
6290v 20:17- UNID playing songs, under UTE, poor, sinpo 22332-1
This blog is created for free radio enthusiasts and who loves short waves. It contains free radio logs, QSL cards, and some information from Lviv, Ukraine
5780 20:20 - Radio Mystery (back?) playing disco,dance mx., Italian, fair to good, sinpo 35343-4
5880 20:23- Radio Rock Revolution, mx., weak signal with noise and fadings, sinpo 24222
6290v 20:17- UNID playing songs, under UTE, poor, sinpo 22332-1
5880 18:30- Radio Rock Revolution playing rock music, poor with fades, sinpo 24322
6290 18:16 - Radio Akenzo playing Oldies, OP talk, good to fair with some fades, sinpo 45333
6317v 18:26- UNID playing Polkas, Dutch, poor with deep fading and noise, sinpo 24222