Sunday, 3 June 2012

Free radio log for 3rd June 2012

6045 0925- Hamburger Lokalradio (tent.) via Wertachtal playing reggae, then OM talk in German on history of Germany, 0930-OM had mentioned "Hamburger...", fair signal with noise and fading, sinpo 35333

6095 0920- KBC via Wertachtal playing rock, OM singer, then adv. in E/Dutch, good to fair signal with noise and fades, sinpo 45333

6140 0936- MV Baltic Radio playing mx., weak signal with deep fading and high level of noise, sinpo 25222

6285 1943- Bogusman playing (hard) rock, OM singer, then long OP talk, E., fair signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 35222

6295 1951- Reflections Europe, OM talk, E., sermon, fair signal with atmospheric noise and fades, sinpo 35333

6300 1854- Radio Ascona playing instrumental mx., fair signal with qrm, fades and noise, sinpo 32332

6307 1919- Radio Caroline International playing dance mx, OM singer in E., good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45333

6320 1845- UNID playing Dutch song, and c/d at 1846, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45333

6525 1915- Radio Mustang playing song, OM singer, then OP talk, greets for listeners, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45434(3)

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