6280 1921- Radio Spaceshuttle playing music, poor signal with fades and high level of noise, sinpo 25222
6290 2037- Radio Luxemburg (tent.) playing dance, OM singer, fair signal with noise and fades, sinpo 35333
6295 1924- UNID playing Dutch songs, Polkas, good to fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45333
6300 1912- Pirates for Peace playing rock, OM singer, huge ute noise, fair signal with fades too, sinpo 32222
6320 1855- Radio Caroline International playing song, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333
1 comment:
Hi dear friend at the western
part of The Ukraine!
With this message we want to say
"thanks" for your log of our station there!
Greetings from Repubic of Moldova,
Radio Caroline International.
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