Friday, 14 September 2012

HH Lokalradio and E.M.R. this weekend

Dear Listeners,
European Music Radio and HH Lokalradio are on the air this weekend.

HH Lokalradio Schedule for Saturday 15th:
05.00  to  17.00 UTC on   7265 kHz    via MVBR

EMR Schedule for Sunday 16th:
08.00  to  09.00 UTC on  9480  kHz    via MVBR  
08.00  to  09.00 UTC on  6005 kHz     via Radio 700 +                 
10.00  to  11.00 UTC on  7265 kHz     via MVBR  

EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday     
Programme repeats are at the following times: 08.00, 10.00, 1600, 1900 UTC
Please visit and click on the “EMR internet radio button.

All Reception reports to:

E.M.R:      HH Lokalradio: 

Good listening!    73s Tom

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