Saturday, 29 December 2012

NEWS from NordAM

Hi there, friends around the world,

At first we would like to thank everybody who sent us his or her nice
Christmas wishes. We hope that all of you enjoyed some great Christmas days
and will have a ball on New Year's Eve! 

If you wonder what you could do on the very famous holiday before New Year's Eve, which is known as "New Year's Eve's Eve" (don't tell us we had invented this!), we have some advice for you: Why not listen to our last broadcast in 2012?

It is on the air on December 30, 2230-2300 UTC on 3955 kHz with 1000 Watts
from Kall-Krekel, Germany. Furthermore, you can listen to it live on our facebook page and at 

Furthermore, our little Christmas show will be repeated tonight (29/12/2012)at 2230 UTC on 3955 kHz, too. 

Reception reports and comments may be sent to our email address nordam @ We look forward to hearing from you if you heard us - or not. 

We'll be back someday in 2013 and hope you'll be, too!

So all the best from us and let's meet on the airwaves soon!

Torben & Daniel

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