Saturday, 9 March 2013

Free radio log for 9 March 2013

6070 1905- Radio 6150 via Kall playing song, YL singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333

6095 0948- KBC via Wertachtal playing song, OM singer: "I'll back..", good signal with little fades and noise, sinpo 45444

6240 1922- Radio Caroline/Radio Rainbow International playing song, OM singer, fair signal on the peaks with deep fading and noise, splashes from VoRussia (6235), sinpo 34222, still on air at 2023 with dance music, YL&OM singers, better, sinpo 35333

6285 1715- Radio Mustang playing song, YL singer, OP talk, ID heard, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45444

6325 2050- Oldtimer Radio, ID heard in English and Dutch, then counrty song is playing, OM singer, good signal with some fades, periodically qrm ute and noise, sinpo 43333

6553 1728- Radio Pink Panther playing song, OM singer, fair signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 35222

6950 1919- Bluestar Radio, music, poor signal with deep fading and high level of noise, sinpo 25222, still on air at 2035, song is playing, OM singer, better, sinpo 35333

7500lsb 1950- Baltic Sea Radio playing ABBA's song "Yes sir I can boogie", fair signal with fading and some noise, sinpo 35232(3)

15880usb 0944- Radio Spaceshuttle playing song, OM singer, ID jingles at 0945, weak and poor signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 25222


Anonymous said...

Hi Ihor,

thanks a lot for such log of us there this evening!!!! It had been dance music from Poland this time.

Have a nice sunday please and till next,
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.

Anonymous said...

Radio 6150 via Kall? No Sir, Radio 700 is a completely different operation (6005 + 6085).

Ihor said...

AOKI (B12) gives such info as following: 6070kHz Radio 6150 00.00-24.00 utc 1234567 German/Dutch/English 5kW Kall ND D