Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Free radio log for 14 August 2013

6240 1846- Radio Sluwe Vos playing Polka and Ducth songs, fair signal with local noise and deep fading, sinpo 35222

6245 1933- Crazy Wave Radio playing adv., then song is playing, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333

6285 1848- Radio Focus International playing "Ave, Maria!", fair signal with fades and noise, reception only few minutes, the signal gradually faded out.

6295 1838- Radio Mustang playing rock, OM singer, good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45343(4)

6297v 2001- Radio Mazda playing Dutch song, OM singer, then OP talk in Ducth and English, ID, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45333

6305 1907- Radio Merlin International playing old programs of Radio London, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333, reception only few minutes, the signal gradually totally faded out.

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