Sunday 2 March 2014

For foreign friends

For foreign friends: 

(I still cant believe in it)

Using the unstable situation in Ukraine, Russia sent troops to sovereign Ukrainian territory - the Crimean peninsula .

Since the collapse of the USSR, Russia wanted the Crimea .
And now, when all Ukrainian citizens are tired of fighting with the dictator Yanukovych, Russia cynically , without declaring a war, summed up its troops to the Ukrainian border. Seized all the admin building and blocked all the airports, road and rail fares.
The same time the Russian media says that their army helps Ukraine to restore the peace and order! That's not true! Russia occupies Ukrainian territory!

We need URGENT help! Please picket Russian embassy in your country!
We all ordinary citizens must unite now. We ask all our friends and relatives throughout the world to support us and participate in a peaceful march against the war in the main street/square of your city (or at the Russian Embassy) tomorrow at 14:00. Let's stop Putin and keep the peace!

If it is impossible for you, but you want help us, please share the information about situation in Ukraine with your friends and relatives! And pray for Ukraine! Thanx for your support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ihor,

please be strong now!!!!
All really democratic people at the world are at the side of The Ukraine and if Mr. Putin and his undemocratic followers will go on with such war against your country, he will be isolated by hisself very soon.
