Monday, 25 May 2015

Free radio log for May 25, 2015

6200 1913- Radio HenkAM playing dance music, YL singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35343-4 (heard via Twente SDR)

6210 1852- Radio Mustang playing song, OM singer, fair signal with noise and fades, sinpo 4-35333

6238 2010- Radio Underground playing song, OM singer, weak signal with fades and noise, sinpo 23222

6288 1926- Radio Abu Dhabi (tent.) playing Words don't come easy, fair signal with fades, noise and qrm jammer, sinpo 45343-4

6320 1958- Radio Montferland playing song, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 34333

6880 1935- Radio Europe playing dance & disco, YL singer in E., ID, OP talk in Italian, fair to good signal on the peaks, fades and noise, sinpo 3-45433-4 (heard via Twente SDR)

6950 1932- Radio Mirabelle, OP talk, then song is playing, OM singer in E., fair to good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 4534-34-3 (heard via Twente SDR)

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