Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Ukrainian Pirate on X-Band

It's quite surprising that there is Ukrainian Pirate Radio Kristal on 1715 kHz. It was picked up in Portugal (see comment):

1715.0 2048-... 29/7 UKR R.Kristal - pir. Ukr, tks, ref. to a stn in SRB. 35343

Information from: https://playdxblog.blogspot.com/2019/08/x-band-also-pirates-from-eastern-europe.html


Carlos Gonçalves_POR said...


If you read the PlayDX material correctly, you'll learn the catch of the UKR pir. stn was *not* in Italy, but here in Portugal.
Good DX & 73,

Ihor said...

Thanks for the correction, Carlos!