Saturday, 27 August 2011


6204v 1803- Shortwave Gold playing Black Box, ID is giving at 1804, good signal with some fades and local noise, sinpo 45333

6305 1920- UNID playing mainly Dutch songs and brass music, good signal with little fades and local noise, sinpo 45343(4)

6325 1808- Radio Caroline International playing song, OM singer, fair signal with deep fades and local noise, sinpo 35222

6401v 1902- Dance Radio playing instrumental music, rock and disco, good signal with local noise and some fades, sinpo 45343, ID though Doc Tim's Chat

6401v 1937-Free Radio Victoria playing Fine Young Cannibals "I'll be thinking about you" and ID jingles, OM talk in E, fair signal with deep fades and local noise, sinpo 35232(3), heard after c/d Dance Radio

6420 1818-Radio Universe playing music, fair signal with fades and local noise, sinpo 35232, 140watts, ID and info though Doc Tim's Chat, no heard late on 6425

6420 1849- Black Bandit Radio playing instrumental music, good signal with fades and local noise, sinpo 45333

 6920 1800- Radio Geromino Shortwave, OM talk in E and music is playing, again OM talk, poor siganl with deep fades and local noise, sinpo 25222

1 comment:

Caroline team said...


lot of thanks fro your log of us this evening!!!!!!!!!!
Power was 50watts.

Radio Caroline International.