6205 1715- Short Wave Gold, ID is giving: "Short Wave Gold back to life", ID jingles, all evening good signal with some fades and atmospheric noise, sinpo 45344
6291 1933- Radio Caroline/Rainbow playing dance music, ID jingle at 1940: "Radio Caroline" by male voice and dance music is playing again, fair signal with deep fades and noise, sometimes qrm cw & ute, sinpo 34322
6325 1925- Radio Black Power playing rock-n-roll, OM singer: "...common everybody...", fair signal with some fades and noise, all evening signal is fair, sinpo 35333
6425 1843-1900 Black Bandit Radio playing a lot of instrumental music, Sandra's song at 1900, good to fair signal with little fades and some noise, sinpo 45344
1 comment:
Hi and lot of thanks for such log of us again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.
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