Sunday, 14 April 2013

Free radio log for 14 April 2013

5815.17v 0847- Radio Saturnus playing rock ballad, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333, via Twente SDR receiver

6095 0944- KBC via Wertachtal, OM talk "all right", adv., good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 45333

6206v 0852- Star Club Radio, OM talk in German, and playing Khachaturian's classical music on the background, good signal with some fades and noise, sinpo 45343(4), via Twente SDR receiver

6245 1915- Radio Underground playing song, OM singer, fair to good signal with fades and atmospheric noise, sinpo 45333

6275 1702- UNID playing rock, YL singer, fair signal with qrm ute on the same fq, 43333, moved to 6255 at 1738, and reception became worse, 34232

6285 1834- Bogusman, OM talk in E., then song is playing, OM singer, fair to poor signal with deep fading and local noise, sinpo 35322

6305 1922- Powerliner Radio (tent.) playing song, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333

6430 0858- Radio Zwarte Panther, OP talk, weak signal with high level of noise and deep fading, sinpo 25222, via Twente SDR receiver

6553 1839- Radio Pink Panther playing song, OM singer, fair to poor signal with deep fading and noise, sinpo 35232

9480 0828- Radio Atlantic 2000 via MV Baltic Radio playing song, then OM talk, weak signal with high level of noise and deep fading, sinpo 25222

9480 0912- Radio Geronimo SW via MV Baltic Radio, OM talk in E., and ID is given, playing mainly rock, much better then Radio Atlantic 2000, fair to good signal with fades and noise, sinpo 3-45333

15880u 0914- Radio Spaceshuttle playing rock, OM singer, fair signal with fades and noise, sinpo 35333

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